Book | What All The World's A-Seeking by Ralph Waldo Trine

Book | What All The World's A-Seeking by Ralph Waldo Trine



What All The World's A-Seeking




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Would you discover that tremendous life supernal,

That life so abounding, so wealthy, and so free?

ask for then the laws of the Spirit Eternal,

With them bring your life into harmony.

however am i able to create life yield its fullest and best? however am i able to understand truth secret of power? however am i able to attain to a real and lasting greatness? however am i able to fill the total of life with a happiness, a peace, a joy, a satisfaction that's ever rich and abiding, that ever increases, ne'er diminishes, that imparts to that a sparkle that ne'er loses its lustre, that ever fascinates, never wearies?

No questions, perhaps, during this type or in this are asked oftener than these. Millions within the past have asked them. Millions are asking them to-day. they will be asked by millions yet unborn. Is there AN answer, a real and safe one for the millions who are thirstily and longingly seeking for it altogether parts of the world to-day, and for the millions yet unborn who will as eagerly attempt to seek out it because the years come and go? Are you interested, my dear reader, within the answer? the actual fact that you simply have read even to date during this very little volume whose title has junction rectifier you to require it up, indicates that you're,—that you are however one among the innumerable company already mentioned.

it's but in our own way of asking that nice question that has come back through all the ages—What is the summum bonum in life? and there are countless numbers who gladly would have given all they possessed to possess had truth and satisfactory answer. will we have a tendency to then realize this answer, true and satisfactory to ourselves, surely the temporary time spent along should be counted because the most precious ANd valuable of life itself. there's an answer: follow closely, which our findings could also be the a lot of conclusive, disagree with ME at each step if you choose, however tell me finally if it's not true and satisfactory.

there's one great, one straightforward principle, that, if firmly set hold of, and if created the nice central principle in one' life, around which all others properly prepare and subordinate themselves, can make that life a grand success, actually great and genuinely happy, wanted and blessed by beat simply the degree within which it's set hold upon,—a principle which, if universally created thus, would splendidly amendment this previous world in which we have a tendency to live,—ay, that might transform it nearly in a night, and it is for its returning that the planet has long been waiting; that in situ of the gloom and despair in almost innumerous numbers of lives would bring light and hope and contentment, and now not wouldn't it be same as therefore actually to-day, that "man' inhumanity to man, makes countless thousands mourn"; that would awaken the life of the modern thereforeciety woman, currently payment her days and her nights in seeking for nothing however her own pleasure, such a flood of true and genuine pleasure and happiness and satisfaction as would create the poor, weak one thing she calls by this name so pale before it, that she would quickly see that she hasn't glorious what true pleasure is,

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