Book | Unlimited Memory How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster by Kevin Horsley

Book | Unlimited Memory How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster by Kevin Horsley



Unlimited Memory How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster




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What would your life be like if you could learn and remember information

easily, quickly, and effectively? trust it.

during this short, easy-to-read book i'll offer you with a set of powerful

memory-enhancing mindsets and skills,

which can enable you to take control of your learning and your life. you'll

discover several superb methods, each ancient and new, that are

modeled from the world’s best minds within the areas of accelerated learning and

memory development. This book will provide you with information that school

forgot to teach you. The approach is all regarding running your own brain; I

believe that this will solely be potential with the inspiration of memory.

Imagine if you were born without a memory. Who would you be? you'd

be nothing; if you don’t have a memory, you don’t have something else. If I

ask you, “Who are you?” you would

instantly begin rearranging reminiscences in your mind to answer that question.

Your memory is that the glue that binds your life together; everything you're

these days is thanks to your superb memory. you're a knowledge assembling being,

and your memory is wherever your life is lived. If you didn’t have a memory,

you wouldn’t be ready to learn, think, have intelligence, create, or maybe grasp

a way to tie your shoes. You wouldn’t be able to build expertise in any field

as a result of experience is simply a group of reminiscences once all! provided that you

will bear in mind data are you able to live it.

Over the years, memory has been given a bad name. it's been related to

memorisation and cramming information into your brain. Educators have

said that understanding is that the key to learning however however are you able to understand

something if you'll’t remember it? we have all had this experience: we

acknowledge and understand information but can’t remember it when we want it. For

example, what percentage jokes does one know? You’ve most likely detected thousands,

but you can only recall regarding four or 5 right now. there's an enormous

difference between remembering your four jokes and recognizing or

understanding thousands. Understanding doesn’t produce use: only when you

can instantly recall what you understand, and practise using your

remembered understanding, does one achieve mastery. Memory means storing

what you've got learned; otherwise, why would we bother learning within the 1st place?

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