Course | Personality Development Course Learn Practical tips by Akaaro Consulting and Training

Course | Personality Development Course Learn Practical tips by Akaaro Consulting and Training



Personality Development Course Learn Practical tips




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What exactly is that course about?

personal and professional growth. Covers communication, leadership quotient, digital profile and more.

"Beauty Attracts the eye but personality captures the heart"

Our personality Development course allows a private to enhance oneself by rising the way during which one will feel, assume and behave. personality development isn't confined to the development of one side of an individual rather it's regarding improving an entity or a cluster of qualities which would facilitate in achieving and presenting oneself in a higher manner.

Your personality is the first thing which is noticed  onceever you select employment interview, represent any company, plan to get married and when  lead a business.

partaking in this process of personal growth pays dividends in your inner life, your family life, your relationships, and in your skilled development.

What you’ll learn

explain the meaning of Communication and Communication skills

Describe the elements of communication

explain the contribution of various elements in communication

explain the seven cs of communication

Analyse the common mistakes in communication

Self-assessment on Leadership Quotient (LQ)

Burst common myths on Leadership

Explain the common assertive communication techniques

Apply Assertive communication techniques

make presentations

Improve digital profile on LinkedIn

Are there any course necessities or prerequisites?


Who this course is for:


Course content

meaning and elements

seven cs of Communication

meaning and common myths

Assertive Communication Techniques


Common buzz words

meaning and Importance

Email structure

the way to write emails effectively

Common phrases

Common abbreviations


LinkedIn .

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